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Concordia has Everything You Need to Put It All Back Together.

When crisis occurs, an emergency response plan is integral to returning your business “back to the past.” Concordia Claims Managers can be a central source of information and strategic planning during a crisis situation. We have the experience, resources and proven strategies to manage your crisis situation efficiently and effectively. You'll remain aware and in control while being free to concentrate on pressing business needs.

What types of Disaster Recovery Solutions does Concordia Claims Managers offer?
Single Point of Contact

Concordia Claims Managers will provide a free of charge toll-free number as well as on-site signage that allows all affected parties to communicate and receive information about the crisis. In addition, we will instantly leverage social media to provide continuously updated information for those affected regarding the recovery process.  Providing a single point of contact can avoid the pitfalls of mixed messages being received by tenants or other community members about the crisis and recovery efforts. 



Experienced, In-house Crisis Management Team

Concordia’s Sr. Claims Managers have responded to crisis situations across the United States, including the Gulf Coast region during Hurricane Katrina and the tragic California wildfires of 2015. We were onsite adjusting losses to commercial high-rise towers during the 2016 floods in Santiago, Chile as well. Concordia Claims Managers has the advantage of utilizing our own internal resources to complete our work, so that when a catastrophic event strikes, we are able to immediately launch into recovery mode on your behalf, without the need to gather different groups together.  Crisis recovery is a skill we practice daily.

Crisis Management Resources

Concordia Claims Managers does more than just talk about our ability to respond to crisis.  We invest in it.  We own and operate a 65 foot, fully-furnished mobile Command Center that is utilized as a central meeting place during any crisis situation.


Our Disaster Recovery Command Center:
  • Is manned 24 hours a day by Concordia Claims Managers Personnel.

  • Stays on site until every claim has been successfully filed with our client’s insurance carriers.

  • Features advanced media communications and video conferencing immediately following a loss.

  • Hosts a Client Conference Room, data processing office and staff recovery quarters.

Crisis Media Management

Time and again, Concordia Claims Managers has witnessed community leaders overwhelmed by the media coverage that follows any catastrophic loss.  Concordia Claims Managers can be an experienced, responsible voice during such a chaotic time.  We provide turn-key media-relation strategies specifically geared towards the needs of stakeholders weathering a crisis.


If you as a property manager, landlord or other community leader do not acknowledge requests by the media to tell your story, they will write the narrative of your crisis for you.  And as you may know, this is NOT the way you want your story told. Without saying a word, the community’s perception of you can change from that of a community leader to a slumlord in mere moments.  Concordia Claims Managers can provide solutions to assist stakeholders while providing the media with accurate, useful crisis-related information.

Financial Recovery Solutions

As soon as a catastrophic loss occurs, various clocks start ticking on many different timelines related to your financial recovery.  Concordia Claims Managers are seasoned professionals when it comes to dealing with each of these timelines; from proof of loss documentation, to obtaining recoverable depreciation… your rights won’t slip away due to missed deadlines.  Concordia Claims Managers will partner with your financial advisers to provide avenues to your recovery.

Concordia Claims Managers frees you to concentrate on other pressing demands during your time of crisis.

When should we consider calling Concordia Claims Managers?

When multiple structures are destroyed during a disaster there are confusing statements and time delays that can affect your policy coverage, many of which require a strong management team to navigate your recovery. It is best to contact a Concordia Claims Managers Sr. Claims Manager to discuss all or your needs and assess your situation to determine the correct course of action for your recovery.

What advantages will I gain by working with Concordia Claims Managers?

How you initially react to your loss will impact your recovery over the duration of your claim. Working with Concordia Claims Managers removes the risk of a misstep that could cost you significant monies moving forward.  Retaining Concordia Claims Managers will put your path to recovery on the right track.  This is a strategy we create after consulting with you extensively about your needs.  Our highly trained staff has the experience to handle large losses. We prove it daily, and we’re continually creating new ways to make the process better, stronger and faster.

Concordia Claims Managers
1227 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354
Direct: 209-404-4170
Toll Free: 877-572-4411
California DOI License #2C38798

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